
February 22, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 7:07 am

One project I found interesting was the project done on giving a home to children vulnerable or living with HIV/AIDS in Africa.  I think it is a great thing to give a home and love to a child born with something they can’t help when no one else wants to.  Whether its a disease or its a mental illness I think every child should feel loved.

The second issue I was interested in was about schools that need more money and what people or our government can do to help.  I think that our government could spend more money on schools because after all isn’t education the most important key to success?  There are programs that schools really do need and there are programs that would better the schools and I think both kinds should be considered.


  1. ahh dude i lke ur first project mine was something like it and i think ur on the right track. i also like ur second one is somthing that i agree on completly dude ok peace 2 down 3 to go

    Comment by peopletendtocallmerachel — February 22, 2008 @ 5:42 pm

  2. yes. . .

    Comment by jessica lynae — February 22, 2008 @ 7:07 pm

  3. I think you are totally right!! Everyone does need to be loved and people should be showed some support and help if they have HIV or AIDS!!! Poor african ppl 😦

    Comment by carissalynn — February 27, 2008 @ 4:35 pm

  4. Hey Elaine! Great ideas! I really think that the one about helping children with disabilities would be the most effective because its something that not a whole lot of people focus on. I feel that you could really do good things with that project and that you could help get people involved. 🙂 Plus you just seem like you would be good with kids and thats a plus!! Well keep up the good work! 😀

    Comment by blondie11 — February 29, 2008 @ 4:52 am

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