
November 24, 2008

Disillusionment at Ten O’Clock by Wallace Stevens

Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 7:42 am

This is such a good and interesting poem! I love it because it is just a bunch of nonsense but it makes so much sense.  It reminds me of little kids when they get deliriously tired and start mumbling the weirdest and most random things.  I still get that way when I get tired and everyone says it is super amusing.
This also reminds me of my dreams that I remember.  I dont always remember them but the ones I do remember are wacky. 

Before I even get into the time I dream, when I’m dozing off, I see letters or shapes and it is almost like they are in one of those computer screensavers.  They move around on my inner eyelids and change in size.  I know this sounds rediculously weird but its the the truth.  I love to dream and to tell me friends about my dreams.  They love hearing them, too.  They mostly laugh but I don’t mind. 

I love the color part, when he refers to the night-gowns.  I can totally imagine seeing these things in my dreams.  I think that our dreams come from everything and every thought we have all jumbled together.  I have strange thoughts all the time that I think where did that come from, and when I have dreams I know those thoughts were the major influence on the dream.  I also love the last line that says “In red weather.”  I have no idea what that means but I think this must have been his dream and I can imagine him getting out of bed at three in the morning and writing it down before it slipped out of his memory.

November 17, 2008

The Coming of Wisdom with Time by William Butler Yeats

Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 6:14 am

This poem is short but it made me think a tremendous amount.  It made me think of like he has one home.  As he grows up he realizes that no matter where you go, or where your leaves sway, you will always have one home.  He will “wither into the truth” because he realizes that no matter where he may make his own roots, his true roots will come from the roots he started out with.

This also reminds me of the song by Rascal Flatts called I’m Moving On.  Its a beautiful song about how this person grew up in the same place and made a life there when he grew up.  He realizes, as he lives his adult life, that even though that’s his home, he doesn’t fit in there.  My favorite line in that song is “I’ve loved like I should, but lived like I shouldn’t, I had to lose everything to find out.”  I like this because he had an epiphany in his life and it changed his whole world.  He leaves his home to find somewhere where he might be able to fit in and enjoy the life he lives.  It is kind of backwards from the poem but that was my first thought. 

Another thought that comes to mind is the thought of trees.  They are a big part of everything.  Trees can be used in so many examples and analogies about life.  They stand for the past, for growth, for beauty, and so many others things.  My dad always says “lets make like trees, and grow.”  It always makes my stepmom and I laugh because it’s supposed to be “lets make like trees, and leave.”

November 10, 2008

“I thank you god” by e e cummings

Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 6:20 pm

This poem reminds me of how I feel on Sundays.  Yes, I know it’s cheesy and typical but its true.  When I’m in church, I most likely am not paying attention. Instead I am coloring in the coloring book that my sister brought and thinking.  This sounds bad but I am thinking about what “god” means to me and why I go to church.  This really reminds me of that because I think of all the things I’m grateful for that god has given me. 

I only really listen to the message that Rev. Olga preaches.  It always, no matter what, pertains to my life and what is going on.  I think she is stalking me!!! Just kidding!!! I appreciate church a lot because I feel so much better after going.  If I miss for that week, I feel like I’m missing something.  My weeks are always so much harder when I miss.  This is my punishment for not attending. 

There is a part in the poem that talks about dying and being alive again.  This reminds me of reincarnation.  I just learned about this in my college class.  I had to do a project on Hinduism.  In Hinduism, they believe that if you live a good life, you will come back in your next life as something desirable or pleasant.  I think that I believe in reincarnation and in Karma, which is another belief in Hinduism.  This belief is the belief that you need to watch what you do and take responsibility for your actions, because what goes around comes around.  It’s also my mothers name! Ha!

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