
March 7, 2008

Spring Break and stuff…

Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 7:50 pm

Something interesting that really got to me this week in class was the satire story we read about cannabalism.  That was the most horrific and gut wrenching thing I have read in awhile.  At times I forgot that he was joking or trying to make a point. He seems very stern in his writing or maybe I’m just gullible. haha. 

Over spring break I hope to get most of my project done or at least organized enough to say I’m close to finishing.  I plan on staying in Colorado which is a big deal considering I always have to leave to see my mom.  And I plan on seeing my boyfriend wrestle at Rocky Mountain Nationals in Denver.  That would be the furthest location of my break and I am very happy for that! I also am going to love the break because I am one stressed person that really really really needs a break.  It would also help me to be nicer to set a good example for my pay it forward project.

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