
September 22, 2008

Lost Brother by Stanley Moss

Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 6:45 pm

I’m assuming that Stanley Moss, the author of “Lost Brother” was talking as a fellow tree.  The only thing that I didn’t understand if this was the case was that he mentions that he sees a picture of this tree he claims as his brother.  Trees are stationary, and how would they come across a picture!  Maybe I’m just trying to analyse this more than it needed to be. 

This is most likely just a person that is very intact with nature telling the story.  He sees a picture of a this magnificant tree and has these deep thoughts about them.  I like that when he sees the picture, he notices everything in it. Not just the tree.  He also adds to it anything else he thinks might have happened in those four thousand eight hundred sixty-two years of the life of that tree.

I wish i could be one of those people that are categorized as “tree huggers.”  Nature is an amazing thing that should be appreciated but we dont do that a lot because of the society we have grown up in.  We are lazy and ignorant to think that we can take advantage of such a good thing.  Karma comes back around and bites you in the rear.  I’m a strong believer to this.  I was reading a book awhile ago that said that eventually the sun will burn out and we will seize to exist.  Even though it really wont matter in the end, we should take care of what we have and see the beauty in things the way this author did.

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