
January 26, 2009

“Tears, Idle Tears” by Alfred Tennyson blog #3

Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 7:02 pm

In this poem, there are four stanzas, each containing five lines.  The last line in every stanza ends the same saying “…the days that are no more.”  This is repeatition throughout the poem.  There is no rhyme scheme, but all lines are capitalized and there is punctuation in every line.  There is some alliteration.  One example of this is the second line where he says, “Tears from the death of some divine despair.”  He also has some similies, like when he says, “Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail.” 

I love this poem!  It is beautiful and I can relate so much.  I often get a deep-down feeling of sadness and rememberance when I think of my past and some things I wish were still going on or I still had.  I can look at something and get instant flashbacks to something and feel a longing for wanting to be in the moment again.  Other things make me feel sad because of what happened in certain situations or times in my life that I wasn’t so proud of. 

His words are so simple but at the same time, they are so deep.  He is trying to relate to many people with different levels of intelligence who have all had these days of feeling sad about the past and how it is only the past.  He must have wrote this while having one of these days, and if he wasn’t then he was after writing this.  This was a very deep, but simple poem and the thing that made it so great was the fact that it is true and sad.

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