
March 31, 2009

The Dying Child by John Clare

Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 4:08 pm

The Dying Child by John Clare is an amazing poem.  There are six stanza, each with five lines.  The rhyme scheme is ABABA.  The rhyme scheme is also masculine rhyme.  These are not the parts that make it amazing though. 

What makes this amazing is the theme or the plot of the story.  It talks about a young boy who could not die in the spring because it was too beautiful of a time.  It shows the scenery or what the boy sees very graphically.  Besides the beautiful imagery, it  definitely pulls on anyones heartstrings.  It is sad, but at the same time, it is nature and things like this happen.  Young children should never have to die, but it does happen and it is tragic.  

It reminds me of my cousin Katie.  Even though she is still living, she went through traumatic times even though she is only 6.  Two years ago, the doctors found a volleyball sized tumor inside of her stomach.  The scans were horrifying.  She was also in her third stage of cancer.  Not once did that baby cry or complain.  She kept everyone else strong, even though that sounds impossible.  The removed the tumor and she was going through serious sessions of chemotherapy and radiation.  Her hair fell out and she lost most of her body weight.  She didn’t care, though.  She had a goal that she was going to play soccer with her brother one way or another.  And now two years later, she is in remission, her hair has grown back, she’s gained weight, and she has finally gotten to play soccer with Brayden, her older brother.

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