
April 6, 2009

“A Grace Before Dinner” by Robert Burns

Filed under: Uncategorized — oksothisisme @ 3:34 pm

This poem is one stanza that is an octrain.  There is an abab rhyme scheme but in the second line, it seems to be a slant rhyme because want doesn’t truly rhyme with lent.  It has mixed lines of masculine and feminine lines.  It is also end-stopped. 

This is a very sweet poem.  To me, it is saying  that the lord serves us, and all we can do is be faithful to him and hope he sends his love and kindness to us.  And even if sometimes our prayers aren’t answered, let him still bless us as we go on with our meal, or even day.  I like this poems because it is so simple, yet it is very complex of course because it is talking about the lord. 

This poem reminds me of all the big family dinners when Grandpa Bill stands up and says prayer before we eat.  I always like saying grace before dinner.  It seemed like the food even tasted better after prayer.  I love holding the hands of the people i love and sharing with them the love for the lord.  My grandpa Bill is starting to be active in the church and some days he preaches.  On those days, we go to his church instead of ours.  We are all so proud of him and he seems like such a happier person.  We also didn’t start attending church until this school year, but I’m glad we did.  I feel like I just had an hour long grace prayer before lunch.  You can only imagine how good the food tastes after that prayer.

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